They converse briefly on their bizarre discovery of carbon-based life, which they refer to incredulously as "thinking meat".
It deals with the bizarre discoveries made in the field of quantum mechanics, through "a musical investigation into the nature of atoms and subatomic particles."
There, Nienke makes a bizarre discovery: the recorded diary of a young girl, Sarah, who lived in the house, many years before.
Too much had happened for one day: the long string of bizarre discoveries, the deaths of Rochefort and Evans, the reappearance of the destroyer.
Vikar's bizarre discovery of the frame found in every film ever made confirms this.
Their most bizarre and horrifying discovery is a very powerful hypnotic entity, which Renie nearly dies trying to escape from.
But a bizarre discovery led to its being taken off the market.
However, gravity technology by itself had no application other than transportation, and was such a bizarre discovery that their scientific theorems couldn't accommodate it.
Pulling over to get their bearings, they make a bizarre discovery.
And soon thereafter in a nearby park, another disturbingly bizarre discovery is made not far from the body of a young woman shot in the head.