The gush of steam from the "holy" water reinforced his bizarre delusion, and he screamed as if he'd actually been burned.
I'm not sure how much of what I was thinking was plain daydreamy whimsy, and how much the bizarre delusions of a very sick man.
When the delusions are fantastic, often with a supernatural, science-fictional, or religious bent, they are considered bizarre delusions.
Common symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction.
But what of the psychological manifestations of schizophrenia - the bizarre delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking?
The premise of the strip is that he spends his entire time making irrelevant remarks and suffering from bizarre delusions, usually involving inanimate objects.
Other bizarre delusions, for instance about the body; e.g. that it is being transformed into that of a werewolf.
Her visual hallucinations had been occurring for a year and were non-distressing and without bizarre delusions or auditory hallucinations.
Tr'Hrienteh, Ael thought, desperate, hoping still that this was some kind of bizarre delusion, some side effect of McCoy's machine.
It hasn't helped that several modern incidents of mass panic leading to physical symptoms have depended on bizarre collective delusions - the belief in alien landings, for example.