Perhaps he had, for the first time, a lead about the bizarre death of John Finneran.
This bizarre and sad death is a good example of tragic bad luck.
Then there was a bizarre death and people treated you suspiciously at the scene.
His bizarre death and subsequent revelations have kept interest in the case high.
Those are odd and ironic ways to go, but they don't hold a candle to the 10 bizarre deaths on the following pages.
The bizarre death of Ana's father, who will prove to be a Fascist military man, is real.
Over the next few days, several other bizarre deaths occur, and the two gradually discover that everything is not what it seems in the abbey.
Pajama, a suspect in the bizarre death of a fellow officer, made a threatening move, according to the cops.
Maxwell's bizarre death by drowning occurred on 1 November, 1991.
Suddenly, a series of bizarre deaths in Taipei baffle local investigators.