Since the eclipse of New Left influence this group has been thought of as a bizarre cult.
Visiting a theological expert at the university, the two begin to uncover a bizarre cult called The Nameless that is said to sacrifice children.
Another bizarre religious cult in Virginia, this one notable for being made up of donkeys rather than Livers.
Delving deeper, Truick becomes convinced that the tragedy was murder, committed by a bizarre religious cult.
Stories about UFOs or bizarre cults can neither be proven nor disproven.
He introduced a bizarre personal cult around himself, and was awarded numerous of Soviet prizes for his literary works.
She later joins a bizarre cult, and at the novel's end, appears to have become involved with Karkes again.
A simple diamond heist leads Lupin into the machinations of a bizarre cult.
Yes, it's a repressive, one-party dictatorship with a bizarre cult of personality around its Great Leaders.
Many protest the violence in comics, but the world is a violent place today - random shootings, drugs, bizarre cults, political corruption, homelessness and hunger.