They induce bizarre actions in the populace by affecting the apparent reality to which the populace has been accustomed.
He drives away the unwanted person with banal comments or bizarre actions, like demonstrating his pterodactyl impersonation.
But the past few days had been so strange, her mother's actions so bizarre.
This is a truly bizarre action by Papandreou.
Some people have developed false beliefs of having performed bizarre actions or experienced more ordinary events even after imagining somebody else, rather than themselves performing them.
He hoped no neighbors in this lovely neighborhood had seen this bizarre action and called the cops.
The following day, McCall attempted to explain his bizarre actions at a news conference.
"This is a madhouse; unusual behavior is the order of the day," is his stock response when anyone questions his bizarre actions.
Emma is just confused by his bizarre actions, and Caleb ends up forcibly kissing her.
I find your actions a little bizarre, to put it mildly.