Although the papers share profits through a joint operating agreement, they remain bitterly competitive.
And the law is going into effect in the midst of a bitterly competitive campaign.
Kevin Kline plays Gordon, whose character was similar to the version played by Ross Martin, except that he was bitterly competitive with James West, and much more egotistical.
But for now, the major battleground is the new Medicare benefit, a program potentially affecting 42 million older and disabled Americans that has been rolled out in a bitterly competitive political year.
Interrupting the summations of the bitterly competitive lawyers, he places his hands over their heads and announces, "It's 'College Bowl'!"
Even if they could, it is far from clear that the bitterly competitive market for unskilled labor would make room for them.
The bitterly competitive Los Angeles market also saw the demise of two other chains, Family Group and Universal Stereo, last year.
"We're living in a bitterly competitive global market," said Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America.
For decades this city was the site of one of the most impassioned newspaper wars in the country: two bitterly competitive papers, neck-and-neck in circulation, trying to drive each other out of business.
First, the two countries have long been ruled by bitterly competitive branches of the Baath Party.