As a result, many British soldiers bitterly accused the airmen of doing nothing to help.
And he bitterly accused journalists of playing into Palestinian hands by helping make Israel look like the "heavy" in the region.
One official bitterly accused the army-dominated provisional government of complicity in the violence.
The seven senators who voted against the plan were all white, and several bitterly accused their colleagues of selling out.
Some human rights activists bitterly accuse religious leaders of having been seduced into collaboration with the Communist regime.
But other prominent business leaders bitterly accused the United States of unfairly punishing them.
Telaira bitterly accuses him of never having loved her.
As he grew up he bitterly accused his mother of having shown little interest in him.
In the debate today, each side bitterly accused the other of violating the Constitution.
"This is all your fault, Merel," she bitterly accused her blond friend.