He didn't regret the mutiny or even the long, bitter warfare withNergal 's crew.
He surrendered on 22 October 1944 against the orders of Hitler, after a stubborn defence and bitter urban warfare.
Could a decade of bitter brutal warfare truly have ended with the creation of a massive wooden horse?
So far, Mr. Bush's appointments give hope that the long, bitter warfare over foreign policy may be coming under control.
As a youth, he had taken part in the bitter warfare with the Campbells.
Trade was now scattered over a number of ports among bitter warfare in the Straits.
These memories can create such bitter warfare that family members will sometimes spend more money on legal fees than the assets in question are worth.
The bitter warfare between management and labor at Eastern Airlines ended in the bankruptcy and death of the airline.
The other three, with eighteen months of vicious and bitter warfare in the Yugoslav mountains behind them, predictably showed no reaction.
A year and a half of bitter factional warfare ensued.