When relations were bad, it meant bitter disillusionment and the severing of support at critical junctures.
Increasingly toward the end of the 1870s and during the 1880s he expressed his bitter disillusionment with the Bismarkian project.
But great expectations ended up as bitter disillusionments.
It is infused with palpable emotion, from feisty outrage to anguish to bitter disillusionment.
Her bitter disillusionment was plain in her voice, her uncle thought.
In interviews, four veteran female agents involved in the negotiations expressed loyalty to the bureau but bitter disillusionment about their working lives.
But many casino operators express bitter disillusionment toward their prospects over the next year, should a bad recession set in.
So he did not protest as the old man continued, "The boy must have suffered bitter disillusionment.
The end is bitter disillusionment; the only consolation renunciation.
His old age was marked by a bitter disillusionment with the social and political order that had emerged in postunification Italy.