Closing his eyes in what was obviously bitter despair, he sank back down on the blankets.
Nadine saw tears in his eyes and a look of bitter despair on his face.
There was no mistaking its expression of bitter despair.
Dave looked at Tore, saw a deep gash on the other's face, and read bitterest despair in his eyes.
We climbed back again and sat down, and despair took hold of us, bitter, black despair.
She descends in bitter despair and begs for the grave to open up.
Hot tears were in my eyes and bitter despair in my heart.
Rehhaile did not share the gloomy apathy, the bitter despair of her people.
The answer came to him and with it bitter despair.
The feeling which was replacing it was the deepest, bitterest despair he had ever known.