These bite-sized portions are prepared using traditional cooking methods such as frying, steaming, stewing and baking.
"So we got the idea for a tasting menu - bite-sized portions, not only the appetizers, but the dinner and the dessert."
These sheets are to be taken up one at a time with your chopsticks and used to envelop a bite-sized portion of rice.
But the carriers, unlike the cafeteria owners, can provide unlimited quantities of "food" at virtually no cost to themselves so long as it is served in bite-sized portions.
Fortunately, all the food had been prepared in bite-sized portions, was easily chewed and swallowed, or was fruit that wouldn't be harmed if it got wet.
What we need to know, in bite-sized portions.
Fame and fortune awaited those who could reduce windy texts to bite-sized portions.
Diners are provided with a variety of condiments meant to be mixed with bite-sized portions of noodles known as soba.