By contrast, basic bistro dishes all worked wonderfully.
I separated the main courses into three categories: schnitzels, stews and bistro dishes.
Great bread and good bistro dishes draw customers from Minneapolis.
For nearly 30 years, it has been serving classic bistro dishes, the kind of deceptively simple food that, for the French, makes life worth living.
Or maybe it's the enticing menu of reasonably priced bistro dishes.
It's a lineup of solid, well-executed American bistro dishes, with a little trick or twist on each plate.
The menu is a lineup of solid, well-executed American bistro dishes.
Later, snack on tapas, or give the globally-inspired bistro dishes a spin.
"The bistro dishes do so well, I'm surprised," he told me.
Banania has an enticing menu of reasonably priced bistro dishes.