The vicars general, Patrick J. Sheridan and Robert A. Brucato, continued to bring important decisions to Cardinal O'Connor, but the two bishops also reminded those seeking the cardinal's advice to bear his condition in mind and use their judgment before troubling him.
Mary, ever the devout follower, listened intently as the bishop spoke about the role of a good Mormon wife and reminded his flock that it was only through a husband's proclamation that a wife would be accepted into the celestial kingdom.
The bishop reminded me that the Church is apolitical, concerned only with the saving of souls, not the freeing of physical bodies from bondage.
The bishops reminded Catholics that they cannot receive Communion until they have examined their consciences - including their "fidelity to the moral teaching of the Church in personal and public life."
The bishop reminds her of her promise.
In 1536, the bishop in accordance with the original council, reminded John III of Portugal of the need to install a diocesenal seat.
The bishops reminded the State of its duty to protect and not breach the citizens' rights.
The bishop also reminds the king of a promise made by his predecessors, apparently referring to the stalled amortizations on payments accrued from the income of the encomienda.
According to Stephen of Ripon, King Aldfrith offered to use his army to pressure Wilfrid into accepting the decision, but the bishops reminded him that he had promised Wilfrid safe-conduct.