With the zero-tolerance policy, the American bishops proposed sweeping, fundamental departures from established church law for a single country and an urgent situation.
And here prominent bishop proposes applied courses in the so-called facts of life in high schools.
The bishop proposed four priests, including Gabriels.
The Anti-Conscription Committee and bishops proposed an anti-conscription pledge that was to be taken at the church door of every Roman Catholic parish the next Sunday, 21 April, which read:
'If I supply you with the funds/ the bishop proposed, 'you must promise that with your first silver you will beautify the cathedral.
Each bishop or priest can propose a new guide as long as the candidate is from a level below his or her own.
In an effort to accommodate the conservatives, leading bishops have proposed instead that conservative parishes uneasy under the authority of liberal bishops be allowed to ask their bishops' permission for alternative leadership.
The bishops proposed more than 24,000 changes in the catechism.
These bishops proposed that the word "Roman" be omitted out of concern that use of the term "Roman Catholic" would lend support to proponents of the Branch Theory.
The bishop proposed that serious study - "without fear of taboo" - be given to ordaining all men who are considered spritually "mature," even if they are married.