And although it was never sanctioned officially, many bishops simply looked the other way when parishes allowed girls to serve.
The bishop looked at me with his kind, frightened eyes, as if in supplication.
The bishops would look at him and say, 'Here's a guy who's been cured.
As a result, the next bishop can look forward to leading the diocese's Catholic schools in an expansion drive.
In some parts, "for 20 or 30 years bishops have been lacking, and young people do not even know what a bishop looks like."
This is something that the bishops in this country have been looking at for some time.
The bishop, about to make some stinging comment, looked into those eyes.
The bishop stops, walks onto the drawbridge and looks inside.
The bishop looked at him, and the first councillor smiled crookedly.
Then I took the chair toward which the bishop waved me and looked at his face properly for the first time.