By the early 13th century the bishops had established a deer park in the parish which was visited by King John in 1208.
In the 10th century following the destruction of the city by the Saracens, the bishops established their residence in Oria.
Father Connors, for instance, proposes that the bishops establish "minimum national criteria for admission to seminaries."
On the 27 March 1638 the bishop established a penitential procession, involving all the people from Tropea.
The decree recommended that bishops establish diocesan pastoral councils with a threefold purpose.
In 1831 and 1835, the bishop established free schools for black girls and boys.
The bishops also established that board in June, and Ms. McChesney's office will work with it.
The bishops established development centers, research organizations, and commissions to address these problems.
As late as 1852 their bishop established a chapel in Košice.
After this, the bishops of Populonia abandoned the town, and in the eleventh century, established their residence at Massa.