The bishops are demanding close to $400,000 in damages from the company, to be given to an aid organization in the Sudan.
The bishop nodded instant comprehension, and demanded practically: "Did the lady know of this threat from Dublin?"
The bishops or their delegates should demand every year an account of the administration of church funds from those who administer them, whether laymen or clerics.
The bishop demanded reparations for the various injustices the castellan had committed.
The dean and Webber refused to accept this decision, but the bishop demanded that they accept his candidate on pain of excommunication.
The bishop, without whose consecration the new church would have no religious and spiritual stature, in turn demanded the right of confirmation of the appointment.
The bishop demanded, "When are we going to stop?"
"Isolation," the bishop demanded, and the flickering bubble formed around the chair and its occupant.
He refused to consecrate new bishops independent of Rome as demanded by the Chinese authorities from April 1958, and was arrested.
"Open the door," demanded the bishop.