"This was originally planned as an 85th birthday salute to the great French organist and composer," Mr. Coffey said.
The president of Nigeria, Olesegun Obasanjo, sent a cabinet minister to deliver a birthday salute.
Designed as an 80th birthday salute to Jaroslav Pelikan, an emeritus professor of history, the program consists entirely of Credo settings.
Last month, Mr. Sondheim and the composer Ned Rorem talked about music at the 92nd Street Y as part of a birthday salute to Mr. Sondheim.
"William Pahlmann at 84; a birthday salute to a celebrated designer."
"I want to get two more Henry Shakes ready to send, and I'm working on something for a birthday salute to Lester Young and Charlie Parker."
In 1681, when fired as a birthday salute in honor of the Duke of Albany, Mons Meg burst her barrel and was retired from active duty.
A musical and poetic birthday salute to James Joyce presented at 3 P.M. by faculty artists of the Hartford Camerata Conservatory (246-2588).
The revival has been timed as a 100th birthday salute to the indomitable Mr. Berlin.
Mr. Boriskin, along with his colleagues in the group Music from Copland House, was performing in an 80th birthday salute to Mr. Foss.