There is now strong evidence that multiple births result in more problems for the mother and for the babies.
"The child's only relationship with a tribe is that his birth resulted from an insemination by a man who is a member of a tribe."
Many multiple births, like those of the octuplets, result from fertility drug treatment.
Sophie feels compelled to return to Haiti after she learns that her birth resulted from her mother's rape there.
Twin births may result in a caesarean when:
"In most cases the birth of a new baby will result in greater distance between the ex-spouses," he said.
The preterm births also result in multiples tending to have a lower birth weight compared to singletons.
The birth was traumatic for Mollie and resulted in chronic health problems that contributed to her death 12 years later.
There were slip-ups, and the birth of illegitimate children resulted.
This birth resulted in complications to Helen's health, which almost resulted in her death.