The wisp of birdlike sound came from behind her, and she turned, seeking the sound, finding any excuse not to go toward that flickering light.
He became aware of a strange birdlike sound permeating the tent, and realized that it was coming from the translator.
Yis-hadra made a birdlike sound.
In one scene, he is shown standing on a rocky coastline serenading flocks of seagulls that seem drawn to the birdlike sounds he is creating.
Then he whistled, several sharp birdlike sounds.
She turned off the sophisticated car security system by punching the tiny button on the car key, slightly wincing at the weird birdlike sound made by the deactivation.
The small hands tightened back on her own, and her mother answered in a brief, birdlike sound that echoed of the forest night.
A strange, lyric, birdlike sound.
She was making a strange, birdlike sound--a sound Ben had never heard before.
Out of those lips came no words, only shrill birdlike sounds that spoke as no words could of the maelstrom of loathing in her soul.