A smaller estimate is 236,000 birds wintering in North America.
More recently the scale of this passage has been masked by the presence of birds wintering along the coast.
The large majority of birds wintering in eastern Africa are of the southwest Asian race, S. a. dammholzi.
This is a fairly sedentary bird, wintering at sea, but rarely seen far away from the breeding colonies.
The subsequent releases were more successful, with birds wintering in Tuscany, and, from 2005, returning to northern Austria.
In 1973, there were fifty-five birds wintering at the Texas refuge, a figure that, when announced, caused hardened cons to smile in their slammers.
It is a partial migrant with some birds wintering in southern France and Iberia.
It is a partial migrant with many birds wintering on the coasts of Turkey, Lebanon and Israel.
This means that birds wintering in temperate regions have the capacity to make further shorter movements in the event of particularly inclement weather.
The northern populations winter in southern India, with some birds wintering in Sri Lanka.