In this gorgeous world, birds uttered long, meaningful phrases and people spoke in flat monosyllables.
Zul screeched, a cry as high and unhuman as any the animals or birds could have uttered.
Its wings flapping frantically, the bird uttered a final cry, then disappeared inside.
The bird rose into the air, circled, uttered its questioning cry again, and flew off.
Only the female bird continued her aimless circles and uttered her strange, lonely cries.
Then the curved beak opened and the bird uttered a piercing scream at the same moment Simon caught it too-that troubling of the very air about them.
Each time a certain bird uttered its call, this indicated to the listener what might later occur.
The bird uttered its buzzing, chirruping sound again.
For it was not for nothing that the evil bird had uttered its lamentable shriek over his head.
A bird lay in the grate scuffling and uttering loud squawking sounds of distress.