A bird survey conducted in May 2006 found that there were 194 birds belonging to 32 species.
A total of 25 species of birds were observed at the Tantiusques during the a breeding bird survey which was conducted in 2008.
A breeding bird survey monitors the status and trends of bird populations.
In addition, weekly bird surveys are conducted to monitor usage and to ensure that problems are detected quickly.
The Service began bird surveys on Kaua'i during the period of 1968-1973.
In 2002, a breeding bird survey was conducted on the reservation in order to inform management of Quinebaug Woods.
Other kinds of data gathering efforts such as breeding bird surveys may also sometimes be considered as atlas projects.
Activities provided for members include monthly meetings, a variety of excursions and campouts, bird surveys and conservation projects.
Activities provided for members include meetings, a variety of field trips, bird surveys and conservation projects.
Each May he led a group of students and fellow ornithologists on a bird survey of Potter Swamp.