But the birds also steal food on occasion, sometimes from other pelicans, sometimes from gulls.
The fauns would not take that bit of an offering to their god; a bird or a mouse might steal it, but that was Pan's will.
One raven, Hugin, was best at this, but a dominant bird, Munin, would rush over and steal his reward.
You will call the birds to steal their seed until the Majendie agree to live in peace with you.
When he arrived, the other birds, because of their jealousy, stole the mockingbird's songs and colors, which they divided among themselves.
But the birds also steal food on occasion from other birds, a practice known as kleptoparasitism.
He drew water from parched ground during a drought and when birds stole newly-sewn barley seed he commanded them to return it, which they did.
I told you them birds will steal anything that glitters.
If live birds in delicate indoor cages steal the show, no one complains.