Amazed at the sight, Kevin followed the shadows as they raced beneath the surface, tiny ripples breaking out as if birds were skimming low atop the water.
Adult birds skim the harbor, diving below the surface to pluck herring, silverfish and sand eels to feed the fluffy gray chicks that cannot yet fly.
While we were there the sun shone from a clear blue sky, birds skimmed over a translucent sea and amiable West Indians smiled at us.
Another luminescent bird swooped down, skimmed the trees, and rocketed away.
The birds skimmed the translucent surface of the lake, plucking thrashing fish, shining silver and gold in the sunlight, from just beneath.
Far off, a bird skimmed along the surface of the earth, its wings rigid.
Brightly coloured birds skimmed through the air.
A large white bird flew nearby, then skimmed the surface of a lake, stopped, dipped its head, and flew off with something silver dangling from its mouth.
A fourth bird skimmed across the green cloud, moving fast, right at his head.
Two birds skimmed the tree tops, heading upriver.