The birds wheeled and dived lower towards the struggling figure bound between the posts on the walltop.
By the time the last of the enormous flock soared past, not a single bird had dived at us or shrieked.
A gray bird dived to seek breakfast in the waves.
Circling to make sure it had driven the predators away, the bird dived and landed next to Orlando.
The bird dived toward the lake, banked hard right, and flew straight toward the inlet.
He tried to say, "Cover me with your cloak" to Thelia, but could not get it out before the bird dived for him.
When prey is spotted, the bird dives from its perch.
As the bird dived on Eddie again, he swept it in a quick, tight arc across one of the bird's talons.
The smaller bird dived and was flying a few feet from the ground, weaving herself between tree branches.
The bird dived under the water, and came up a minute later with a fish in its mouth.