Best known are the spurs on chicken, though most galliform birds bear spurs.
"The little bird still can't bear to look at me, can she?"
This noble souled bird could not bear to hear poor Sita's cry for help and got into a fight with the mighty Ravana.
The bird that is emerging from the embers, however, bears little resemblance to the one that went up in flames.
Precocial birds, such as domestic fowl, typically also bear internal yolk sacs at birth.
Memory of strange hunts and a big bird borne on the pommel of a high saddle.
No, no beast had touched her, no bird had borne her away.
He swept upward, feeling like a bird borne upward by the wind.
Yet threatened as they already are by pesticides and the loss of habitat, birds now bear another burden, hidden in their feathers.
But where the bird had borne him toward salvation, this horse took him closer to his doom.