Under the circumstances, the Iraq Study Group has delivered a decent and bipartisan report.
The committee's bipartisan report remains secret.
Still, Democrats will try to focus attention on the issue by releasing as many as a half-dozen "additional views" to supplement the bipartisan report.
We had a bipartisan report signed by both sides.
Tonight, a spokeswoman for Mr. Rubin said, "This bipartisan report concludes there was nothing improper about this call, and it should put the matter to rest."
A bipartisan report in released 2008 stated that:
A Congressional bipartisan report in December 2008 established that:
Intense Political Interest Today the panel seemingly resolved that dispute with its bipartisan report, which also listed 14 benchmarks the states could use to measure their progress.
It has been more than six months since a bipartisan Congressional report called the government's effort - the Home Affordable Modification Program - "a failure."
As befits a bipartisan report on what looks like a lose-lose situation, it was a fudge.