As the hearings proceed with some bipartisan praise for their fairness thus far, nervous witnesses at the testimony table look across at a politician at the top of his game.
Apprehension and Hope In his weekly radio address today, President Reagan urged the Senate to quickly confirm Judge Kennedy, whom he said "has won bipartisan praise."
Jindal received bipartisan praise for his leadership during Gustav.
On Capitol Hill, there was bipartisan praise for the toughness of the report and for the Army's response.
For his part, Mr. Coscia is not bothered by the bipartisan praise.
Mr. Clinton's action drew bipartisan praise from Congress.
Both nominations have won broad bipartisan praise, and Mr. Negroponte and General Hayden are expected to be swiftly confirmed by the Senate.
Upon his exit from the Senate, Nunn was the recipient of bipartisan praise from his colleagues.
Mr. Lazio's campaign also noted that the congressman, as chairman of the housing subcommittee, at times has won bipartisan praise for his legislative work on housing.
Despite bipartisan praise, Mr. Dunne is no political novice.