She pointed to the Bush administration's education law, which was passed in 2001, as an example of bipartisan legislation.
Has anyone even noticed the Republican suggestion was rejected and there is now bipartisan legislation being proposed.
I have been a co-sponsor of bipartisan legislation for school construction.
But they said their cooperation could point the way to bipartisan legislation for the new president and Congress.
If we have any kind of bipartisan legislation, there will be a Senate bill this year.
At the end of 2000, a version of this bipartisan legislation was signed into law.
"He is using scare tactics to defeat bipartisan legislation that would change course in Iraq."
Of the bipartisan legislation he said: "What about the uninsured?
Several Republicans are considering bipartisan legislation aimed at changing the war's course.
Senator Kennedy was a key sponsor of the bipartisan legislation that created the commission in 1984.