Democrats demanded that it call for a bipartisan investigation, including an examination of accusations of abuse by civilian contractors.
The letter's findings are based on the Committee's bipartisan investigation of the Listeria monocytogenes outbreak in cantaloupe from Jensen Farms.
President Bush and former President Ronald Reagan said they would welcome a bipartisan investigation.
In any event, while not having reached a conclusion on the ultimate issue, I believe there are enough suspicious circumstances to warrant a bipartisan investigation by Congress.
Your contention that I am opposed to a bipartisan investigation is unfair.
The hearings were based on an in-depth bipartisan investigation that began in November 2008.
The hearing followed a year-long bipartisan investigation.
But Mr. Hatch agreed, nonetheless, to conduct a bipartisan investigation into accusations by Judicial Watch, a private government watchdog group.
The people, our representatives and this page should be calling for a bipartisan investigation.
It may have represented the chairman's final abandonment of his initial goal of having a bipartisan investigation.