This is a time for bold, bipartisan action because Americans who are losing their jobs, homes and health care cannot afford wait.
A good candidate for bipartisan action is campaign finance reform, an issue that may become more important to voters given the Enron scandal.
Indeed, we could use more such non-ideological, realistic bipartisan action on trade policy.
If not corrected by prompt bipartisan action, it will undermine the credibility of our diplomatic representation.
Presidents of both parties and bipartisan Congressional action provided the political foundation for visionary people to do something great.
These past months have been a remarkably fruitful time for bipartisan action in the national interests, and I think we have to continue that work.
This demonstrates the type of bipartisan action Congress should be taking.
Michele tells them the way she sees them and is not forced into bipartisan actions when it doesn't make sense.
And among the three, only the arms treaty held any promise of becoming a precedent for future bipartisan action on a particular issue.
Events have shown that only such bipartisan action influences the Sandinistas.