The Citizen's Card was launched, an electronic identity card containing biometric features and electronic signatures.
This will draw a biometric point and measure the distances between them in order to recognize the biometric features to identify.
The biometric features are information extracted from biometric samples, which can be used for comparison with a biometric reference.
The aim of the extraction of biometric features from a biometric sample is to remove any superfluous information, which does not contribute to biometric recognition.
To be able to recognize a person by their biometric characteristics and the derived biometric features, first a learning phase must take place.
Class 3: Something that is; a biometric feature such as a fingerprint or an iris scan.
The comparison of biometric features is performed outside the passport chip by electronic border control systems (e-borders).
The face, fingerprint and other biometric features of the passport holder will be digitalized and stored in pre-installed contactless smart chip in the passport.
Since 15 August 2006, all newly issued Singaporean passports contain biometric features (BioPass).
As of November 20, 2007 all Latvian passports are following the EU passport standards in all respects (e.g. format, biometric features).