These parents share the viewpoint that autism is not just treatable, but curable through "biomedical" interventions and have been frustrated by the lack of progress from more "mainline" scientists in finding this cure.
Private treatments where children are drugged up with powerful, behaviour damping substances (marketed as harmless biomedical interventions) followed by training to make them and everyone else think they are recovered and now 'normal'(?)
However, today the treatment protocol involves biomedical interventions, with psychotherapy on its own being unusual.
A growing body of evidence is showing that psychosocial approaches to therapy, such as cognitive and behavioural interventions, may have more enduring effects than biomedical interventions.
Within the osteopathic medical curriculum, manipulative treatment is taught as an adjunctive measure to other biomedical interventions for a number of disorders and diseases.
The development of a vaccine or other preventive biomedical intervention therefore bears the greatest hope to curb the rampant HIV epidemic [2].
He is encouraged by new tools including evidence-based behavioral and biomedical interventions at the individual, group, and community levels, and by DHAP's demonstrated experience at translating science to practice.
The rapid discovery rate for new factors affecting the trajectories of illness suggests that new targets for psychosocial and biomedical interventions should be examined in a systematic way.
Generation Rescue claims that biomedical intervention can help children recover.
"For a lot of people with problems primarily related to joints, vision or sensory function, you could have biomedical intervention or nutrition therapy and have a larger potential for improvement," Dr. Manton said.