"It must be horrible to be so strange that nobody knows what you really are," observes 10-year-old Ellen, examining a preserved sea cucumber in her biology classroom.
Be it a lecture in a biology classroom or a Bach concerto at the concert hall, we all tend to drift in and out as we listen.
This approach has been pretty sound at getting religion out of the biology classroom, it would be nice to see it used to make school science more rigorous in general.
The doorway to the biology classroom was crisscrossed by strands of police tape.
As he passed the biology classroom he slowed down, his gaze drawn, against his will, to the open doorway.
He then led her to the biology classroom, where she sat in the front row for a lecture on plant reproduction.
The large three-story structure provided space for Administrative and business offices along with new chemistry, physics, and biology classrooms and labs.
A Couple's Complex Dance They met freshman year, in a third-floor biology classroom.
"BGuILE: Strategic and conceptual scaffolds for scientific inquiry in biology classrooms."
Ms. Waugh and her allies contended that the board's majority was improperly injecting religion into biology classrooms.