Today's biologists increasingly recognize that appropriate mathematics can help interpret any kind of data.
The biologist in him recognized something elegant and natural looking about the process, although soon the details grew too complex and blurry even for his enhanced perceptions to follow.
Now, biologists recognize the crucial role predators play in keeping ecosystems functioning.
I think that most theoretical biologists recognize that sexual selection is evolution's wild card.
By the late 1970s, biologists with the California Department of Fish and Game, recognized that the local population of giant sea bass was in trouble.
Evolutionary biologists have long recognized that natural selection is a matter of probability, not destiny.
In recent years, biologists have recognized that birds engage in play.
As a result, biologists now recognize that group selection involving altruistic behavior is important in evolution (e.g., Wade et al., 2010).
In making its new estimate, Incyte scientists depended on that fact that while biologists cannot recognize where the genes lie on DNA, human cells can.
The way birds and dinosaurs cluster together on the tree of life requires that biologists recognize the entire group as a single entity.