The results introduce the problem of choice of strategies to identify biologically meaningful patterns.
Gene ontology studies give biologically meaningful information about the gene including cellular location, molecular function, and biological function.
The concept of race as a biologically meaningful category of analysis is also hotly contested.
When considered in conjunction with other data, such as gene expression profiles, the results could lead to biologically meaningful conclusions.
In fact, independently from biologically meaningful initial values:
We still consider it likely that the three motifs in Table 2that were not also identified by Gibbs sampling are biologically meaningful.
However the quantities derived from these parameters, which relate to biologically meaningful quantities, are very consistent.
Most published studies using ChIP-on-chip repeat their experiments at least three times to ensure biologically meaningful maps.
The important characteristic is that these waters tend to vary in salinity over some biologically meaningful range seasonally or on some other roughly comparable time scale.
Tusher, et al. used SAM to study the transcriptional response of lymphoblastoid cells to ionizing radiation, and they were successful in identifying 34 biologically meaningful genes.