As a result, they have superior transport and optical properties, and are being researched for use in diode lasers, amplifiers, and biological sensors.
"There weren't any biological sensors on any of the probes?"
Nanomaterials are exquisitely sensitive chemical and biological sensors.
Newer versions have enhanced radiation survey, meteorological, chemical, and biological sensors, as well as computer support for .
This would start with improvements in making microelectromechanical systems and then would allow for the creation of nanoscale biological sensors along with things that have not been thought of yet.
Last week, NeuralStem announced that it planned to use its patented neural stem cells to help develop a biological sensor for studies on how evolving drugs affect the brain.
Researchers will now be able to develop ways to control conditions under which they are grown, affecting a wide range of applications including solar-cell technology and chemical and biological sensors.
All living organisms contain biological sensors with functions similar to those of the mechanical devices described.
"We are also very interested in biological sensors as well and are looking into it," Ms. Farbstein said.
UAV remote sensing functions include electromagnetic spectrum sensors, gamma ray sensors, biological sensors, and chemical sensors.