As we grapple with this technology, we must avoid biological reductionism.
The human difference, in Dennett's telling, is a difference in degree, not a difference in kind - a doctrine that may quite plausibly be called biological reductionism.
To the Editor: Contrary to a June 22 letter, evolutionary psychology is indeed new; it is neither "still sociobiology" nor biological reductionism in a new guise.
Similarly, Hirst and Woolley have challenged not only biological and psychological reductionism, but the idea that conventional sociology also has a monopoly of wisdom:
As two trauma researchers have put it, "the ideology of biological reductionism" in psychiatry is "to exonerate the family."
This does not, however, mean that a biological reductionism is an appropriate mode of explanation for all types of human behaviour.
In social thought, metaphysical essentialism is often conflated with biological reductionism.
He states that the biopsychosocial model should be seen in a historical context as bucking against the trend of biological reductionism, which was (and still is) overtaking psychiatry.
Low is generally sensible in her formulations of these increasingly familiar ideas, but a lurking biological reductionism occasionally gets the better of her.
In cinema as in life, this kind of biological reductionism sounds better in the abstract than it plays out in practice.