However, Muslim ethicists have yet to reach a consensus as to whether homosexuality is a socially constructed practice or part of biological, genetic predisposition.
We now believe that severe mental illnesses require at least a biological predisposition.
First we will look at the two main schools of thought on depression - social learning and biological predisposition.
Hyperactivity can be transmitted genetically across generations, creating a biological predisposition to criminal behavior, she said.
Behaviourists see attachment more as a systems phenomena then a biological predisposition.
Many of the personality traits that increase the risk may indicate an underlying inherited biological predisposition, researchers say.
He considered an individuals' biological predisposition, as well as his social environment to be important factors in criminal behaviour.
The first biological predisposition one thinks of genetics.
He was particularly interested in the diathetic (hereditary and/or biological predisposition to a disorder) aspects of disease.
In an environment that allows people to be sedentary, those with a biological predisposition to sit still will do so, he said.