While I"--she glanced significantly toward the security area--"have to try getting a different set of biological parameters back to normal.
As the biological parameters are stringent, most captives die after being subjected to experimentation.
Many biological parameter and processes can sensed and monitored using their impedance as marker [].
"His general condition and biological parameters continue to be good," said the statement by Dr. Joachín Navarro-Valls, the Vatican's chief spokesman.
The concept of water column is quite important, since many aquatic phenomena are explained by the incomplete vertical mixing of chemical, physical or biological parameters.
Each component is represented by a so-called node, which contains simulates biological parameters, such as basal expression, degradation, and regulatory strength.
The bizarre and mutable biological parameters required careful examination.
None of the readouts conflicted with any of the biological parameters that had been assembled from the records of pre-Borg visitors to the world.
A response may be any measurable biochemical or biological parameter that is correlated with exposure to the toxicant.
The probed water can be analyzed further on board of the vessel for biological and chemical parameters.