Sensu is a Latin word meaning "in the sense of", most often used in biological nomenclature.
It plays a pivotal role in binomial nomenclature, the system of biological nomenclature.
In contrast, scientific or biological nomenclature is a global system that uniquely denotes particular organisms.
Under the rules of biological nomenclature, two animals may not be given the same name.
In biological nomenclature, a syntype is a term used to indicate a specimen with a special status.
It was during this exceptionally productive period of his life that he published the works that were to lay the foundations for biological nomenclature.
However, according to the rules of biological nomenclature, where there are two or more alternative names for a single species, the name first used takes priority.
In biological nomenclature, the same name may be used for an animal that has already been used for a plant or vice versa.
However, unlike the case of biological nomenclature, every level of language relationship is commonly called a family.
The genus Leptochilus in biological nomenclature can refer to either: