It is also connected via "biological corridors" to other national parks in northern, eastern, central, and southern Bhutan.
The dzongkhag also contains biological corridors along the Thimphu District border.
The area where the dam is proposed is part of a biological corridor that Central American nations are trying to preserve against broader encroachment.
Sarpang is bisected by a wide swath of biological corridor connecting all three environmentally protected areas.
The river with its valley is an important biological corridor, within the national green infrastructure and the Pan-European ecological network.
Also protected are the biological corridors crisscrossing the district that connect Bhutan's extensive national park system.
A remarkable feature of the ecosystem here is the Riparian zone which provides a biological corridor for the wild life.
The parks and sanctuaries are all connected either directly or by "biological corridors."
The 2011 regulation also prohibited landfills and dumping within national parks, protected areas, biological corridors, and human settlements.
These three parks are connected by biological corridors that crisscross the central and southern regions of the district.