A biography focused on role as pioneer sunbelt conservative.
The official biography focuses mainly on the lineage of Daoist and Buddhist masters who he says provided Li with instruction from an early age.
The biographies focus primarily on their methods of scholarship and not on their personalities.
A short biography of radio and television comedy writer Tom Koch, focusing mainly on his work for Bob and Ray.
A biography of the Princess of Wales, focusing on her psychological problems.
Hay and Nicolay wrote a 10-volume scholarly biography of Lincoln focused on his presidency.
These privately published biographies focused either on gentrymen from one's locality or more well known figures who held national prominence.
Matthew Hollis's superb biography focuses on what transformed a talented journalist into one of the most highly regarded nature poets of the 20th century.
A biography with two focuses - a man and an idea - Incompleteness" unfolds its surprisingly accessible story with dignity, tenderness and awe.
WHEN a biography does focus primarily on an argument, the biographical form can seem a strained and artificial way of making it.