A biography entitled simply Lillian was published by her fiancé, David Emery, in 1971.
In November 2009, his biography entitled From Tiny Acorns: The Kenny Baker Story was made available through his website and at conventions and book signings.
Cole also authored a biography of John Coltrane simply entitled John Coltrane (2001, Da Capo Press).
Deborah Coddington, former Free Radical assistant editor, wrote a biography of Perigo entitled Politically Incorrect in 1999, which was published by Radio Pacific.
A comprehensive biography entitled "Rebbetzin Kanievsky: A Legendary Mother to All" was published by Artscroll/Mesorah in 2012.
A biography entitled The Thomas the Tank Engine Man was written by Brian Sibley and published in 1995.
A biography entitled Chinwe Roy - Artist, published by Tamarind Books, is now studied by children in the UK as part of the National Curriculum.
A biography of Chapin entitled Taxi: The Harry Chapin Story, by Peter M. Coan, was released following his death.
Hsu Dau-lin, wrote a biography, published in Chinese in 1962, entitled The Life of General Hsu Shu-tseng.
A biography on William Miller entitled Dr. William Miller was written and published by O.Kandaswami Chetty in 1924.