"I had surmised from your biographical profile in the mission briefing that the two of you were not particularly close."
Published by Macmillan in 1978, the book features illustrated biographical profiles of 29 fantasy film actresses and directors.
"I understand he's working with the CIA on building a biographical and psychological profile."
The biographical profiles highlight the congressional careers of each Representative, Delegate, and Senator.
The profile pages for former Members include historical biographical profiles as well as links to other relevant Web sites.
In the words of one biographical profile, McCain "preferred contentious conflict to cozy compromise."
He insisted that his paintings should be seen and not read about, and he resisted any attempts made to build a biographical profile.
Read biographical profiles of former women Representatives, Delegates, and Senators that focus on their congressional careers.
An optional "biographical profile" of the poet goes for an additional $30.
His biographical profile as a politician and patron is traced in the memorial service made to the Senate on 27 December 1876.