Relatively unknown during his lifetime, a series of reissues, compilations, books and a biographical documentary have significantly raised his profile in the 2000s.
Langenkamp is directing a biographical documentary entitled I Am Nancy.
However, the series is not a biographical documentary, and Garrow was not actually involved in all of the cases depicted.
The film received generally positive reviews, The Hollywood Reporter opining that "a biographical documentary doesn't get any better than this."
Christophe de Ponfilly, a French journalist, had been working on this biographical documentary for some 16 years.
The 1997 biographical documentary Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula featured narration which he provided.
Albert Schweitzer is a German biographical documentary made in 1957, directed by Jerome Hill.
In 2009, he went to India to film interviews with people who knew the Maharishi as part of a biographical documentary.
This is a biographical documentary on renowned artist Ernesto Deira.
During the eighth years anniversary performance at Kutija šibica club, the band recorded a biographical documentary on November 16, 2002.