It offers new biographic information as well as new insights into Wilde as an artist.
He collected biographic information about the quilters' lives and their motivations for quiltmaking.
Passports issued on or after 26 October 2006 must be biometric-that is, an 'e-passport,' containing an electronic chip with biographic and biometric information.
The biographic information is the first page at the front of the passport.
Smartmatic Identity Management Solutions enables government agencies to manage people's biographic and biometric information securely.
It gives biographic information about the passport holder and tells the DHS information on the type of visa.
This came while Charn was dictating biographic information on key members of the Khmer Rouge.
For more biographic information.
This included basic biographic information.
Companies will enroll Registered Traveler participants using biometric (fingerprint and iris) and biographic information.