Critics say biodegradable products buried in landfills do not break down without oxygen.
The problem is that we do not have a biodegradable product with which to wrap the food and other products we find necessary to our lifestyle.
Of course, it would be better if we could reduce the amount of garbage through the development and use of biodegradable products.
Fuchs also produces the Planto range of biodegradable products.
By the 1960s, Enoch had all of his company's chemicals into biodegradable products, including the cleaning solutions, soaps and waxes.
Gem Jute promotes sustainable development and support the environment by providing high-quality, organic, biodegradable products to the world market.
"We realize business has been using plastics for a long time, and we need to give them time to switch to biodegradable products."
Cotton is a natural, biodegradable product, produced from a renewable resource.
Contribution to the environmental protection, the company uses biodegradable products such as paper cups and minimizes energy consumption using various means.
Every gardener knows that peat is a biodegradable product.