Under low oxygen conditions biodegradable plastics break down slower and with the production of methane, like other organic materials do.
Oxo-biodegradable technology, which has further developed biodegradable plastics, also emerged.
Why can't they just do as the Co-op does, i believe, and use biodegradable plastic instead?
With this, a new mold of biodegradable plastic will be made.
Strains of R. eutropha are used to make biodegradable plastics.
Can biodegradable plastics, which may break down in fewer than 90 days, change that scenario?
It is her hope that other goods can be made of biodegradable plastic.
In industry, it can also be used for the synthesis of biodegradable plastics, such as poly(3-hydroxybutyrate).
Mr. Burket said the biodegradable plastic should contribute to profits by 1991.
The good news is that biodegradable plastics have been around for some time.